Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Life of Brian - Monty Python

If you have not seen this movie, then you HAVE TO.
I laughed so hard with my husband like you could never imagine.
Here is what wikipedia says about it:
"Monty Python's Life of Brian, also known as Life of Brian, is a 1979 comedy film written, directed and largely performed by the Monty Python comedy team. It tells the story of Brian Cohen (played by Graham Chapman), a young Jewish man who is born in the same era and location as Jesus Christ and is subsequently mistaken for the Messiah.

The film contains themes of religious satire which were controversial at the time of its release, drawing accusations of blasphemy and protests from some religious groups. Some towns in the United Kingdom as well as certain countries banned its showing, with a few of these bans lasting decades.

The film was a box-office success, grossing fourth-highest of any film in the UK in 1979 and highest of any British film in the United States that year. It has remained popular since then, receiving positive reviews and being named 'Greatest British comedy film of all time' by several magazines and television networks."

And here is the link to it's trailer:


Then here is a list of memorable quotes:


Pontius Pilate: Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly!

Pontius Pilate: So, yaw fatha was a Woman? Who was he?
Brian: He was a Centurion, in the Jerusalem Garrisons.
Pontius Pilate: Weally? What was his name?
Brian: 'Naughtius Maximus'.
[the Centurion laughs]
Pontius Pilate: Centuwion, do we have anyone of that name in the gawwison?
Centurion: Well, no, sir.
Pontius Pilate: Well, you sound vewy sure. Have you checked?
Centurion: Well, no, sir. Umm, I think it's a joke, sir... like, uh, 'Sillius Soddus' or... 'Biggus Dickus', sir.
Pontius Pilate: [guard chuckles] What's so funny about "Biggus Dickus? "
Centurion: Well, it's a joke name, sir.
Pontius Pilate: I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus'.
[guard chuckles]
Pontius Pilate: Silence! What is all this insolence? You will find yourself in gladiator school vewy quickly with wotten behaviour like that.
Brian: Can I go now, sir?
Brian: Aaah! Eh.
Pontius Pilate: Wait till Biggus Dickus hears of this!
[guard chuckles]
Pontius Pilate: Wight! Take him away!
Centurion: Oh, sir, he - he only...
Pontius Pilate: No, no. I want him fighting wabid, wild animals within a week.
Centurion: Yes, sir. Come on, you.
[takes the guard away as continues laughing histerically]
Pontius Pilate: I will not have my fwiends widiculed by the common soldiewy. - - Anybody else feel like a little... giggle... when I mention my fwiend... Biggus...
[another guard chuckles]
Pontius Pilate: ... Dickus?
[more chuckling]
Pontius Pilate: What about you? Do you find it... wisible... when I say the name... 'Biggus'...
Pontius Pilate: ... Dickus?
[both guards chuckle]
Pontius Pilate: He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'... Incontinentia Buttocks
Pontius Pilate: [Guards are laughing] Stop! What is all this?
Pontius Pilate: [laughing continues] I've had enough of this wowdy webel sniggewing behaviour. Silence! Call yourselves Pwaetowian guards? You're not - Seize him! Seize him! Blow your noses and seize him!


  1. Catalina, si eu am vazut acest film acu cativa ani, si tin minte ca asa de mult am ras... Intr-adevar, e un film care trebuie vazut.

  2. Eu chiar nu stiam de filmul acesta, dar sotul meu a tinut neaparat sa vad si acum chiar imi pare bine ca am facut-o.

  3. Esto es una pelĂ­cula divertida y ha visto en varias veces. A veces me siento mal sobre risas sobre el tema. Pero esta bien. No es serio. :)

  4. I agree - I sort of felt bad laughing about it too, but since it was comedy it's okay.

  5. and what about the end... I am catching myself even now "look on the bright side of life"... Talk about wonderfully tasteless

  6. Yeah, talk about bright side of LIFE when your death is moments away.

  7. The Biggus Dickus sketch may be the funniest bit ever filmed. The guard actors had no foreknowledge of how the skit would play out. They were instructed to remain stoic. See how well that played out.
